Monthly Forecast OCTOBER 2022
OVEN Aries, you will have an opportunity for personal progress in October. This will be most visible in Relationships. You have reached (or will reach) the point where you will ask yourself how your wellbeing and functioning influenced by certain persons? A strong...
Monthly Forecast SEPTEMBER 2022
OVEN Aries, you will be exposed to many opportunities in September. These will be reflected in all your circumstances. As a result, you will find yourself at a crossroads. You will wonder which is the right direction? What to invest your energy in? What brings you...
Monthly forecast AUGUST 2022
OVEN The guiding word for the month of August, for you dear Aries, is harmony. You have a dynamic and very interesting month ahead of you. On the one hand, you will be busy with work and career-related matters and will be focusing your energies in this area. And of...
Monthly Forecast JULY 2022
OVEN Rams, you may face some challenges in July. These are mainly the result of your over-thinking. You have many ideas, and they are fruitful or. fully feasible. But it is also up to you to take the necessary steps in this direction. Action is the driving force you...
Monthly Forecast MAY 2022
OVEN In a way, the energies will push you to put yourself first. You feel that you are constantly running after someone or something, looking for that safe haven where you feel secure. Many of you will be shown, through circumstances or people, to find a sense of...
Monthly forecast APRIL 2022
OVEN This month, Mlaj offers you the opportunity to ground your ideas and make them a reality. You've been thinking about a new job for a while, you want to get your finances in order and now you have the perfect opportunity. The energy of the new moon will support...
Monthly Forecast MARCH 2022
OVEN The energies of March will encourage you to express your gifts and talents. It would therefore be advisable to take some time for yourself and your soul. Focus your free time and energy on things that bring you joy and feelings of joy and gladness. If you give in...
Monthly Forecast FEBRUARY 2022
OVEN This Full Moon will bring out your inner strength. In fact, it will test you in some way through circumstances how much you believe in yourself, your abilities and how much you really value yourself. Be completely honest in your actions and base your intentions...
What does the first full moon in January 2022 bring?
The first full moon of 2022 is about to appear on 18 January. With her blessings, she will enter the emotional cancer and thus make a small reconstruction of past events. For most, this beauty of the sky represents an intense period, but its purpose is not to...
Monthly Forecast DECEMBER 2021
OVEN Rams, you will face many issues in December. Most of the time you will blame yourself for all your failures and take the blame as a result. As long as the criticism is positive and helps you to do something about it, that's fine. Doubts are the ones that stay...