Monthly Forecast JULY 2022



Rams, you may face some challenges in July. These are mainly the result of your over-thinking. You have many ideas, and they are fruitful or. fully feasible. But it is also up to you to take the necessary steps in this direction. Action is the driving force you need. Don’t overload yourself with too many things, as this drains the energy you need. Rather, focus on one thing, see it through to the end and finish it. Then get on with the next one with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm may be just what you need this month as some of you are experiencing feelings of lack of energy, frustration, malaise. The result is headaches, neck pain and respiratory problems. Gather the will, the courage and activate your inner strength to achieve what you want. Think and then act. Regain your will to do things in a way that actually makes you happy. Do not bear the burdens of others and throw away all reproaches. Not doing for others is not your priority and everyone is responsible for themselves. Activate the Mars energy within you (fire, passion) to be successful and facilitate your work.



In July, Taurus, you will have the opportunity to make big changes. Literally turning points. It’s up to you and how much you are willing to commit to it. To help you cope with new things, you need to be honest with yourself in every circumstance. The choices will be great and choose for yourself all that is love and brings you peace and the possibility of progress. Completions are also part of the process and you should let go of anything old that does not serve you. To navigate the sea of novelty more easily, you will need to express yourself clearly and loudly. Circumstances will ensure that you do just that, show up and present yourself. So use the gift of speech. Information with a negative connotation should not touch you. Stand up for your own values and stand up for yourself and yours. As a result, many doors and opportunities will open up for you to progress or. business cooperation. So think along these lines. Surround yourself with those who value your closeness and support you.



You are looking forward to a very dynamic month. Let me say right now that whatever you want, you have the choice to make happen. Of course, it is up to you to act accordingly. This means that circumstances will present you with exceptional opportunities that will require you to act quickly. The emphasis is on speed. So when you are in a situation, immediate decision-making will be needed. Some will find July tiring because of the fast pace and unwinding. But take it as a great blessing. There will be great business opportunities, job changes, relocations, big moves. It is therefore advisable to prepare a mini-plan for the future. Keep your focus on the plan and do whatever it takes to follow it. A high degree of determination, action and discipline brings surprising results. So turn your attention to finding a path to success, “putting on” comfortable shoes that will get you up and running quickly. And when it comes to success, drop the word “must” and replace it with “will”.



The inner turmoil and doubts you will face in July are the result of a void. Either emotional or financial. It is therefore very important for you to find out where this void comes from and to heal it with understanding. Get everything you need that you lack. It means not persisting in circumstances that do not satisfy you. This includes relationships that take away your strength and leave you feeling drained. Don’t settle for anything less than you actually deserve. In fact, it is a message for you to start demanding for yourself. The bells are also bringing great changes in your life and you are looking forward to them. See everything around you through the eyes of learning and strengthen your inner strength. Don’t stand still, it is your responsibility to take the helm of life in your own hands. Whatever the situation, you can pick yourself up quickly or stay put. You are in a period of transformation and give yourself the opportunity for beautiful changes.



For the Left, you will have the possibility of closure in July. Circumstances will literally turn in the direction of winding up the old and abandoning what needs to be abandoned. Whether you are ready or not. You are trying your best and looking for all possible solutions, but there is no visible result. But what if everything is being arranged and prepared behind the scenes? Those of you who have no problems and embrace innovation are on the right track. For those of you who have been in unhealthy circumstances, situations and relationships for a long time, July brings lessons and learning. Don’t forget your voice. Remember also that the lion is expanding its territory. Seek help from people who have the knowledge and experience to help you find solutions. Act thoughtfully and avoid making hasty decisions. Rather, sleep and think, then decide and act. Pay more attention to your feelings that are welling up inside you. Find the right answers and don’t hide your pain and fear. Talk about it and make yourself clear. Be original in your actions and don’t forget your own charisma.




The energies of July will carry you into the world of your expectations. In this world is everything you wanted for yourself. So will you now stop, dear virgins, and ask whether this is where you really belong? Find out what you’re really missing? You are missing something and you are not happy. Maybe circumstances want to remind you to stand up for yourself and your desires? Don’t expect others to do it for you. Look around you and find the missing pieces that make up happiness, contentment, fulfilment. Your surroundings interfere a lot with your actions, by their words creating fears and doubts in you. Ignore the opinions of others. It is important for you to keep your focus on your heart’s desires and act accordingly. Again. Consider which areas need your action and remove all distractions to happiness, joy and gladness. Act and bring more of yourself into everything you do and create. It is also important for you to express yourself and say where you are really lacking, and to make sure that you do.




July will be a month of truth-seeking for you. Some things are literally “crying out” for change. You can turn a blind eye and walk on by. Maybe you deliberately ignore them just because you lack the courage to face the challenges? The best you can do is to have an honest conversation with yourself first and then make the key decisions. This is where your environment is testing you and if you are facing difficult relationships, the truth is the only answer. Above all, be honest with yourself. Set clear boundaries and stand up for your values. Honest and clear communication will be your best help in acting and managing your circumstances. Do not leave anything to chance and do not walk past yourself. The fears you will face are just a sign that you are clearly doing something right. Therefore, focus all your attention on overcoming your own shadows. At the end of the day, make sure you are calm and make plans for the future and give yourself more time to rest and recover.



Scorpios, in July you can expect pleasant developments in the area of relationships. Something in you has changed and you are about to open a new chapter in this area. You will meet new people with whom you will forge new acquaintanceships, whether friendships, business or partnerships. Accept an invitation to talk, to interview, to socialise. Open all perceptions and accept what resonates with you. July will, through circumstances, “require” you to separate what is good from what is not in line with your truth. Pay close attention to people’s words and actions. If your words do not match your actions, you will know that your path lies elsewhere. In business, you will need to find out certain information, and a woman with experience can help you with this. My advice to you is to go deeper into your inner world and to connect and work intentionally with spirit guides. They have very important messages for you that will change the way you go forward. Trust them.



Sagittarians can also prepare for changes in July. It would be good to know which direction you are going to take and what your next step is in the event of a situation or sudden event. Be careful who you trust with information related to business. Easy trust could cost you dearly. Make a mini-plan for the rest of this year, and don’t forget every little thing. Caution should not be overlooked when it comes to finances. Invest wisely and avoid borrowing and fine words. Emotional fluctuations are the result of unresolved events in the past and you should pay attention to them. Something you haven’t finished yet and “heal” the feeling of emptiness with a frank conversation. If a certain male person has come into your life, also be careful. Evaluate whether it came as a gift or a lesson. It brings you the key message that something drastic needs to change about yourself and your actions. Old ways of doing and thinking have not served you for a long time, so leave them behind and get acquainted with new ones.



For those of you who are looking for business opportunities, this month will be an exceptional time to get things moving. Of course, your action will be needed and you will introduce certain innovations. Even if they don’t suit you very well, they are necessary. To achieve what you want, ensure order and discipline. You know how to look after others and go above and beyond. When it comes to you, you criticise yourself. Don’t do it to yourself. Put some sensible order in place and go slowly from the beginning. Don’t get ahead of events. As far as work is concerned, do what you need to do and give yourself more time for the things that make you happy. In this work momentum, you are forgetting yourself. Your inner child is crying out to be attended to and made happy. You are too hard on yourself and do not allow yourself to be more flexible in your personal life, which you subordinate to your career. Find a healthy balance and get everything just right. Spend more time on yourself and don’t forget yourself and your pleasures.



For you Aquarians, the time has come to start moving. Although this is unusual to mention for you because you are constantly on the move. However, it will be necessary to move from the point at which you are stuck. You are working, you are creating, you are innovating, you are acting but there is no visible result. This is because you are stuck in old habits that you are clinging to very diligently. Maybe it’s time to start something new and let go of the old moulds? A strong desire to make a change is burning within you, but do you make it? A certain disconnectedness has appeared or is yet to appear in this month of July. Find out what is really holding you in the grip of the past that you are unwilling to move from this point. There is a pattern on your mother’s side that wants your attention. On the other hand, you are socialising more. You miss the closeness of loved ones and you have forgotten to have fun and relax. Make sure you do. Do not look away from yourself and do not look for external distractions to fill the void or “free time.” Connect with your heart and work from the vibration of your heart.



Relief is coming for you, dear little fish. You have diligently navigated troubled waters and sorted out and “rescued” circumstances. Something may still need to be done, changed, abandoned, and then comes the much-awaited reward. You will be richly rewarded for your efforts and perseverance. These will be reflected most in business. Especially for those fish that are working with foreign countries or have the intention to develop cooperation. It is advisable for you to express yourself through your products and to create as much as possible during this period. Activate the creative power of creation and let all your talents come out. Know that they will be noticed and you can build a great financial performance. If you decide to make business changes, make them. July is very favourable for you and don’t hesitate. Follow your goal and the energies will be very supportive. Congratulate yourselves on your successes and be proud of yourselves.


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