The first full moon of 2022 is about to appear on 18 January. With her blessings, she will enter the emotional cancer and thus make a small reconstruction of past events. For most, this beauty of the sky represents an intense period, but its purpose is not to “punish”. It reminds us to pay attention to ourselves and to go deeper into our feelings.
- What do they want to tell us?
- What part of ourselves might we have neglected?
- What to look out for?
- What can we do for ourselves to master the teachings?
Every emotion is alive and communicates something to us. So let’s not walk past them. They are part of us. They need attention because they have an important message.
Let’s take a look at the astrological signs of this year’s first full moon.

Fire Rams, you will face feelings of jealousy. This is a silent constant for you, though, and it is typical of your sign. But ask yourself, do you need it? Who has acted in the past to affect your self-esteem? Acknowledge this part because it is not your truth. Perhaps the nature of your work or the worries of everyday life have made you forget yourself. That’s why it’s important for you to make time for yourself. To reconnect with yourself. Give up unproductive gatherings that waste valuable time. Instead, spend this time on yourself and reconnect with your heart. Surround yourself with people who share your values and goals in life. Discuss your plans, invite spirit guides into your life and ask for their support in your steps. Everyone counts, and even a small act for yourself will instil a sense of confidence. Trust yourself and trust life. Cherish the sensual moments when you are alone with yourself.

Taurus, during the Full Moon period, you will increase your attention to relationships. It is also typical of you, as you value family values and everything connected to home and family. That is why it is important for you to bring harmony into every relationship and now is your chance to end unhealthy relationships and strengthen existing ones. Everyone has the right to demand love, respect and honesty. During this period, focus on your heart and provide it with everything that fills it with feelings of joy, gladness and brings harmony into your daily life. Open yourself to life, embrace the fruits of your efforts and enjoy them immensely. Be very clear and direct when seeking answers. Relationships are sacred to you and you should think carefully about who you let into your life. Let your intuition guide you and open your heart. Let him explore and walk the paths of life, as that is how you will best experience the fruits of your efforts. You have a trusted person by your side.

The energy of the Full Moon will train you in the area of fears and worries at the beginning of this year. These are related to work and relationships. Something beautiful happened to you at the end of last year, or will happen again this year, and it has pushed you into a corner of fear. In reality, you are frightened of the gift that life has given you. Enjoy the gifts and indulge. Do not deprive yourself of the happiness that is meant for you, because you have a prosperous period ahead of you. Let go of worries, fears. Keep your focus on all the beautiful things that lie ahead. Just decide to be happy and enjoy that feeling. But before that, trust him completely. You have tremendous life support and all the protection you need, so just go with the flow. Show your emotions to those close to you and don’t be afraid to express them. Know that everyone around you will respond with enthusiasm. Don’t limit yourself in your actions. Walk on in the paths of life. External factors that disturb your peace will remove themselves.

This full moon is your ally and will surprise you most of all. A certain person may come into your life with whom you will start to get to know, there may be a liking for those of you who have been “typing” with a certain person for some time, communication will go well. That is why it is important for you to let go of the reins and allow yourself to be exactly who you are. Even though we are in Mercury retrograde, you will still have excellent support for your speech. Express yourself in every possible way. Another is to socialise more and don’t feel embarrassed to invite someone for a walk in nature. This someone is someone you have been looking at for a long time and you don’t dare to take the first step. Don’t hide your passion and emotions. Dedicate them to those you feel that way about and you will free yourself from the feeling of being trapped. We know you can be bold when you want to be. Enjoy this period and do not limit yourself to anything. You deserve all the beauty of life.

You on the left will find yourself at a crossroads in your life during this period. You are missing something, and as a result you are experiencing feelings of longing. What does your heart long for? What is taking away your power? Something is missing in your relationship with yourself. Don’t have support from a partner? Is this one perhaps too demanding of you? Something will have to change, and don’t turn a blind eye to it. If you continue to walk past yourself, you may experience a drop in self-confidence, which is not typical of you. And that can affect your career as a result. Get everything you need for yourself and don’t wait too long. If you act in time to get back on your feet, life will give you a beautiful gift. It is already waiting for you and it comes as a blessing. In seeking truths for yourself, don’t be critical of yourself and don’t beat yourself up for anything. Make the necessary decisions with self-love and take a step towards change. Seek advice from a male person.

The energies of the full moon will favour you especially in the area of finances. Something new is coming up and you’re just waiting for the “right moment”. As we are under the influence of Mercury retrograde, with new steps or. beginnings wait a little longer. During this period, you can prepare everything you need to take your big step in mid-February. Connect with a female person who can give you important information or guidance. But for a better and more successful performance, focus on your inner child and provide it with a great deal of joy, joyfulness and nourish it with everything that makes it happy. This will recharge your batteries and give you the energy you need to take the important steps in your life. Invite new things into your life and open yourself up to them. Shake up all circumstances, let a new and fresh energy come into them. This is what you really need for a new start. Look forward to everything and let there be a great deal of enthusiasm.

A more challenging period lies ahead and the energies of the full moon will press on your doubts, thought processes and fears. You set yourself a few tasks at the start of the year, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The problem arose when the scales started to doubt. This may have been due to “advice” or the opinions of other people with whom you shared your plans. That is why you now have the opportunity to strengthen your faith in yourself and your choices and to let go of the opinions of others. If you set your mind to something, then take the step to realise it and act. Don’t wonder how it will be, if it will be, when it will be. It will be exactly as you want it and no different. Don’t overload yourself with too many tasks at once. Get on with one thing and finish it. Then embark on a new adventure. Take small but important steps for you and trust yourself completely. Every path is the right one. One brings the blessings of learning, the other the gifts of life. Trust yourself and trust life.

For the members of this sign, the full Moon will give the scales of life. On the one hand you will have hope and on the other you will have luck. What is it that inspires you with hope and what is it that brings you happiness? When you receive it as a gift, stop and think carefully about what you put on which page. Take your time and think carefully. Before you do that, look into your heart and ask yourself what are you really afraid of? Why do you have a “moody” attitude towards yourself? What makes you reluctant? You lack a little faith in yourself and the goals you set yourself. To put it bluntly, you are facing a very favourable period for business ventures and fear is linked to success. Deep down you feel that something beautiful is about to happen. So don’t limit yourself. Instead, roll up your sleeves and throw yourself into creatively expressing your abilities and gifts. Ideas will come to you one after the other, so go for it with enthusiasm. You will succeed and you can succeed in anything you set your mind to.

An interesting time is upon you and this Full Moon brings you the blessings of the gifts of effort. You have set yourself a number of tasks and you are working hard to do them all. Your wishes are directed towards the organisation of your home, your circumstances, your work and your tasks. That’s all well and good. But in all this zeal, you must not forget someone very important in your life. And that’s you. You need to ask yourself what makes your heart happy? What gives you joy and what brings joy to your life? Don’t turn a blind eye to the fact that you are imposing obligations on yourself just so you don’t have to deal with yourself. Your emotional state will dictate everything that happens around you. That is why it is important to bring harmony to all your circumstances and to avoid stress. Most of this is self-inflicted. It’s OK. You are capable and will be able to realise your goals. Praise yourself more often and pay a lot of attention to your emotions.

Capricorns, you are or will be in the grip of old learned patterns. They will be the most difficult for you this period and you will be looking for all possible solutions to find the culprit. It is found in old ways of acting and thinking. In particular, patterns on your father’s side will stand out, so make sure you are aware of them. They don’t really allow you to. you are not allowing yourselves to move in the direction you want. Since last October, something has stuck with you, you wanted to do something for yourself and you stopped. Now you have a great opportunity to put an end to this and open yourself up to life’s shifts. Take a breath and start moving with ease along all the paths that lead you to happiness and progress. The old must come to an end and you will make way for the new that is coming into your life. But first you will need to take the first step. Let go of doubts, worries, inaction. Do everything contra as you have done so far and realise your own strengths.

It is your ego that will cause you problems. Especially during this period when the Full Moon will take you back to the distant past and everything that relates to a particular loss or grief that has not yet been resolved. Memories, events, words and actions will come up that will trigger negative feelings. Allow them to give you key messages and don’t walk past it. This has been bothering you for a long time. It is as if you do not allow yourself to feel, to love and to be tender again. Don’t insist on your own way at any cost. Torture yourself with it. You can start again and allow the past to show you the wounded parts of yourself that are taking your energy. Embrace your heart and leave your ego aside. Regain faith in yourself and be more gentle and loving towards yourself. You are too demanding and you have given yourself too much just so that you can run away from the past that will follow you and is part of you. Somewhere in the middle of the road, you got lost. Regain faith and hope and start again.

You will be emotional fish swimming in a sea of relationships. There will be disagreements in certain relationships that may have a negative impact on your emotional state. So give this relationship your utmost attention and find appropriate solutions. This attitude is toxic and it makes you feel sad. It is your responsibility what you accept and what you do not accept in the name of self-love. You can always choose happiness and no one will bring it to you. You are responsible for your own happiness. Setting boundaries is difficult for many, but the energies of this Full Moon will guide you to do just that. But know that with every good action you take for yourself and the choices you make for yourself and your well-being, there are rewards in life. After successfully completing your assignment, you are lucky enough to land a new job, start your own business and your goals are fully realisable. That’s why it pays to stand up for yourself. Always and everywhere.